Seeds of Life
What nourishes you?
Since June 21st, 2017, Native Immigrant has explored what nourishes us through the events presented in Tionnhehkwen: Seeds of Life. It is all about our wish to re-connect with food and the land, and all other forms of nourishment, be it physical, mental, spiritual or emotional.
In the Fall of 2018, from September 30th to October 14th we are hosting an international beadwork exhibition called Visions of Seeds at Métèque. All who apply are accepted.
Fantastic workshops will be offered, conversational circles, and the opportunity to create together. Check below for our calendar.
Calendar of Activities
September 30th - October 14th, 2018 Visions of Seeds exhibit
International beadwork by Indigenous and immigrant artists Nindizhinikaaz // Nico Williams
Dressmaking Linocut workshop with Martin Loft
Beading experience workshop with David White Deer Charette
Beadwork workshop with Nico Williams and Izzy Enright
Writing workshop with Susan L. Scott
Conversational Circle: Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Collaboration
August 19 - September 2nd, 2018 In partnership with NDG Arts Week
Native Immigrant exhibition: Five Years Bridging Immigrants to Indigenous Peoples
Carolina Echeverría: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION v/s CULTURAL COLLABORATION - A retrospective of her Garments for Survival, dresses for immigration (1989 - 2013). The work that inspired Native Immigrant's dressmaking.
Taís da Costa's documentary exploration exhibit
Judith Brisson's series of photographs
Martin Loft's linocut workshop to raise funds for the Wolf Pack Street Patrol
all free at Gallerie Métèque.
August 24th 2017
2pm - 7pm - Public dressmaking in collaboration with NDG Arts Week - free, all welcome
Tais Costa's video screening
all at Gallerie Métèque.
June 24th 2017
11am- 1pm - Writing Workshop with writer and editor Susan Scott at Gallerie Métèque.
Native Immigrant’s writing workshops offer time and space apart to contemplate, to think, to dream and to remember—all in a setting graced by beautiful transgressive art.
We would love for you to join us.
June 22nd 2017
6pm - 8pm - Conversational Circle : Creation Story Unmasked by Mohawk cultural interpreter and educator Oskenontona Philip Deering at Gallerie Métèque
OPENING | June 21st 2017
6:00am - Words Before All Else Ceremony at Place Guillaume Couture (next to Gallery Métèque) followed by a light breakfast.*
*6:00am ceremony has been cancelled.
6:00pm - Immigrant Tea Ceremony
6pm to 8pm:
Launching of Native Immigrant's 7th dress : Seeds of Life
Exhibition of NI's six dresses
Tais Costa's video screening
all at Gallerie Métèque.
RESIDENCY (June 20 - 24, 2017)
Artists, activists, writers and publishers are invited to meet Native Immigrant’s Susan Scott, during Gallery Métèque’s first writer-in-residence program, June 20 - 24, 2017. The Nonfiction Editor of The New Quarterly and Associate Creative Director of the Wild Writers Festival will be on hand to collect oral histories related to Tionnhekwen: Seeds of Life (Dress #7) and to reflect on the role of writers and writing in cultural collaboration. For more about Susan, visit: http://susanlscott.twohornedbull.ca/. For information about the residency, please email info@nativeimmigrant.com.