At the Woods’ Edge
June 21st to July 13th, 2014
What do Cartier, Champlain and Montmagny have in common?
All three proposed a relationship of European domination, while the native peoples proposed a relationship of unity and brother and sisterhood, with each other, with Mother Earth, and with all of creation.
Condolence Ceremony at the Wood's Edge
On June 21st 2014, Native Immigrant presented a new kind of old arrival to this land. The Last Nations landed in Kahnawake, home of the First Nation Mohawk People to be greeted with a portion of the Mohawk Condolence ceremony called “Welcome at the Woods’ Edge."
Tsi Karhakon - text read by Philip Deering during the condolence ceremony
Speech by Judith Brisson - speech given by a participant of the ceremony
Directions to Kahnawake - written
Dressmaking Activity
A mannequin awaited all those who sought collective, creative engagement with issues regarding immigration, migration, land, cultural expression and rootedness or not. The artists lead interactive sessions daily. People brought objects of personal and multicultural value to donate to the dress. Willma Kahnekaken:re, a Mohawk designer and dress maker lead the construction of the Native dress while Carolina Echeverria oversaw the Immigrant dress.