Native Immigrant Dresses
Social Media Documentary
Initiated by Montreal-based Chilean artist Carolina Echeverria in 2013, Native Immigrant Dresses project connects immigrant communities with First Nations, preserving personal stories and cultural knowledge through a series of unique installation art pieces. The Native Immigrant Dresses Social Media Documentary transforms Carolina’s dressmaking art practice archive of 10 years into a social media documentary hosted on TikTok. It functions as an easily accessible window to the project’s timeline that spans a decade of community arts collaboration on two continents.
Co-written by filmmakers Cailleah Scott-Grimes and Gina Hara, the documentary’s innovative narrative format leverages TikTok’s approachable and collaborative nature for real-time engagement of diverse demographics. The project also bridges generational gaps by catering to younger Indigenous and immigrant communities with relevant and rewatchable posts. The innovative approach involves using TikTok not just as a distribution platform but as an integral part of the documentary's creation, fostering immediate audience interaction and feedback. The project seeks to advance artistic practice, bringing together a diverse group of artists to create an interdisciplinary and globally accessible narrative.
The Native Immigrant Dresses project is a collaboration between refugees, immigrants, settlers and Indigenous communities, including the Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke, of the unceded lands known by their colonized name of Montreal, and the Mapuche people on Chiloe Island and in Victoria, of the colonized territory of south-central Chile.
We acknowledge the Indigenous communities as the traditional custodians of these lands, and further highlight the aim of the Native Immigrant Dresses project to honor the histories, experiences, and ongoing relationships of Indigenous and other peoples within the Americas.
Carolina Echeverria – Artistic Director
Cailleah Scott-Grimes – Co-writer, Editing Director
Gina Hara – Co-writer, Social Media Director
Philip Deering - Mohawk Cultural Interpreter
Gabriel Antilao - Mapuche Cultural Interpreter
Nakita Johnson - Video Editor
Olive Reed - Assistant Editor
Derek Christoff - Assistant Editor
Caelin Holmes - Assistant Editor
Zoé Namêche - Archival Assistant Editor
Susan Scott - Text Editor and Consultant
Stephanie Creaghan – Production Manager
Katelyn Campbell – Social Media Manager
Alessia Canteros – Social Media Assistant
Karonhiio Delaronde - Mohawk Translator
Rafael Favero - Archival Assistant
Ann Pilon - Archival Assistant
Taís da Costa - Videographer
Felipe Bravo Fuentes - Videographer
Shayle Ripley Didur - Videographer
Andres Martinoli - Videographer
Ronald L. Grimes - Videographer
Image(s) and/or video used under license from Shutterstock, Alamy, MotionArray, ArtPrice, and Artlist.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.